
The Possibilities that are unlimited

Unlimited Possibilities

Scripture: the same Spirit that gives each person gifts and distributes them as he will

God calls us to witness for him(Acts 1:8).Isaiah 43:10. Witnessing is not a special gift that only a select few posses, it is a divine calling of each Christian. We are ambassadors for Christ and should show fourth our light to the world. God calls each one of us to witness and he gives us each a spiritual gift. When God calls you he does not looks at your accolades , for he does not calls the qualified but qualifies the call. He gives salvation and these spiritual gifts freely. As we are consecrated to God, our possibilities to serve are endless. There is no limit to the usefulness of one who, putting aside self, makes room for the working of God(EGW. Ministry of healing.159.

Each of Jesus’ disciples were different based on their backgrounds, personalities, temperaments and gifts. This was value added to the church. Our varied gifts can only be value added to the church of God. In 1st Corinthians 12:12,13;18-22 we finds out that we have different talents but we all play a unique  role in the church and as we need each other to function effectively. We serve a God  that delights in taking people of varied talents and abilities that can be used for service. The body of  Christ(church) is a body where people are different who think and act differently, but who are united in their love for Christ and scripture and who are committed in sharing the gospel to the end of the world(Romans 12:4;1 Cor 122:12). We should never think that  members of the body of Christ are not valued, they are valued and they play a significant role  in ministry, just as how the eyes, ears and nose have different functions but are all vital to the  successful operation of the body. Even the smallest part on the body plays a vital role, in the same way a member who seems insignificant is essential to the body of Christ and has received a gift from the Holy Spirit ,. You may not be so good in a particular area but a next member is good in that area, so together you work to accomplish the mission.

In the scriptures of 1 Cor 12:11,18; Ephesians 4:7-8nand James 1:17, we find  out that God is the originator of all gifts and that  every perfect gift comes from God, So we can rest assured that  whatever the gift we  ask him he can grant it to us including the gift of the Holy Spirit. When we  surrender our lives to Christ through baptism and becomes members of his body(the church) the Holy Spirit imparts gifts to us so that  we can serve the body and witness to the world. Jesus was anointed by the Holy Spirit at his baptism to prepare him for ministry to the world. It’s the same thing that  takes place at our baptism, we receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. Rest assured that each one of us  has received a spiritual gift for us to bless his church and the world.

The main reason  for spiritual gifts is for us to serve the church and bring the message to the world. Bible writers helps us to understand that We receive different gifts , some ministering, serving, proclaiming, preaching, encouraging and so on .(Romans 12;1 cor 12) .Gifts are given by the holy spirit for service and talents are sanctified by the Holy Spirit  for service, but not all the gifts  can be used for the service of Christ. The  function of Church leadership is to help young believers discover their gifts and teach them to use their gifts to build up the body of Christ. The Lord Jesus  hath promised that his church will manifest all the gifts before the second coming. God gives the gifts and the Holy Spirit reveals them. Spiritual gifts are qualities that God imparts, so we can serve him effectively. Whatever the gifts we should use them for service.

Each of us should use the gifts that God hath imparted to us  for service, for if we don’t use it our fate will be that of the servant in the parable of the talents that hid his. We received talents according to our own abilities, what the servants got did not belong to them  but given to take care of  it for the master. When we receive a gift it will be a blessing to others. Our gifts grow as we use them.

Every member of the body is needed for service to God and humanity. None is too small or inferior. Every member is gifted for service, use it to glorify God

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