
Spiritual Gifts

God has Called us to Witness for him, it is a very unique and special gift that God has given to us and not just to a special set of individuals as some would have it. We are to be a light of the world, ambassadors for Christ. As We consecrate ourselves to God and dedicate our lives to his service,our our possibilities to serve are endless.We all have different talents but we all play a unique role in the church, we all need each other, as the scripture in 1 Corinthians 12:12,13 that our bodies have different members but each member, has a special task, and one member cannot do without the other . It is the same in the christian realm.God Delights in taking people of different backgrounds with different talents and abilities imparting to them gifts for service.God has a special assignment for each one of us in sharing the gospel with others.God gives us spiritual gifts to us accomplish his task, a divine task.When we surrender our lives to God and through baptism the Holy Spirit imparts to us gifts for the benefit of service.We too are anointed with the Holy Spirit,just as how Jesus was anointed at his baptism and this was done to fully equip him for ministry. When God has given us our gifts and we should use that gift to be a blessing to others._Elder Micheal Stewart

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