Jesus was crucified at 9 o’clock in the morning, and He spent the first three hours on the cross in the sunlight. Then the darkness came, and at the end of three hours of darkness, Jesus cried out, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” (Matthew 27:46).
Our Lord’s first three statements were centered on others – His enemies, the thief, and John & Mary. But His last three statements from the cross were focused on Himself: His body – “I thirst” (John 19:28); His soul – “It is finished” (v. 30; Isaiah 53:10); and His spirit – “Father, into your hands, I commit my spirit” (Luke 23:46). Body, soul & spirit – all were offered by the Lord Jesus Christ in obedience to the Father.
The shortest of these statements that our Lord made from the cross is the one found in John 19:28, “I thirst.” In the original text, it is one word of four letters. It is the only statement in which our Lord referred to His body and His physical suffering. This simple word, however, tells us three important things about our Savior.
1. Jesus Is A Sympathetic Savior.
While Jesus was 100% divine, He was also 100% human. Because He walked upon this earth as a man, though He knew no sin, He did become very much acquainted with the difficulties of life here below. When He was a child, He probably skinned His knee a time or two. As a teenager, it is likely that He knew what it was like to not be part of the “in” crowd. Learning the carpenter’s trade in His father’s shop, He possibly had a splinter or two, and He also could very well have smashed His finger on occasion with a hammer. As a man, He knew what it was to grow tired, to be cold, to sweat, to be hungry, and, of course, He knew what it was like to be thirsty.
During an airline flight, concern over the heavy turbulence mounted until the soothing voice of the pilot came over the intercom: “No need to worry, folks,” he said cheerfully, “Just remember: these bumps are made of air!” We may wish the bumps we face in life were made of air, but they are not. Life is difficult; adversities are real. Physical trials sting and smart. Emotional trials leave us with unresolved baggage. Spiritual trials drain our souls.
Jesus felt the “bumps” as He lived here among men. Because this is so, we know that He understands where we are and what we are going through in our struggles in this life.
Jesus Is A Scriptural Savior.
In saying “I thirst,” Jesus fulfilled a prophecy of Scripture.
“They . . . gave me vinegar for my thirst.” – Psalm 69:21 (NIV)
“My tongue sticks to the roof of my mouth.” – Psalm 22:15 (NIV)
One of the strongest evidences that Jesus can do what He promised in your life is that fact that He fulfilled what was foretold about His life.
“There are in the Old Testament 332 distinct predictions which were literally fulfilled in Christ.” Some object to the assertion that prophecies fulfilled by the life of Christ are evidence of His being Who He claimed to be – the Son of God and the only Savior of men.-Elder Micheal Stewart